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Occasionally, someone will come up with a new (and usually foolproof) method for coin restoration, whether dipping the coins in ketchup or vinegar or Coca-Cola. What these methods usually involve is dipping the coin in a very weak acid to restore the surface. Most of the time, they can ruin the toning (that's what acid does), causing a valuable coin to lose most of its value.
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4. At what facility is the U.S. Mint Museum located?
Rare Coins Produce Higher Returns Than Gold, Despite Lag
Thu, 17 Jul 2008 20:18:58 +0000
Since 2002, Blanchard has been telling our clients that the price of gold was going up – a lot. We believe that the current bull market will end only when gold surpasses it’s old high of $850. In today’s dollars, that would mean a price of more than $2000 per ounce! We’ve still got a ...]
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